Favorites IPTV in PC Win 10?

Prog dvb; once again the more updates you do the worse it gets! now i tick the favorites boxes and when i go to favorite channels it only shows 1 channel,i can see all the channels that has a fav star, it's frustrating, it's this prog to be for IPTV too?

Re: Favorites IPTV in PC Win 10?

As i said i tick the Fav boxes i could see all the yellow stars as it were all in the favs but when choosing Favs i only had the first channel showing in Fav list ,
After some uninstalling and reinstalling Prog a few times did not fix the issue ,so i started to play with it for awhile i was able to get the Fav list but had to go through loops,here what i had to do to get the Fav s in the list ,first ticked the favorite box then i had to tick again to get the channel on the list,when you tick favorite channel a second time it's supposed to be for removing the fav channel,kinda weird but weird it's what i get,

Also why now you also get Favorite#1,#2,#3#4, and so on ,we only need Fav # 1 ,unless we can add favs to individual m3u line iptv services ?,that's what has being missing? we should be able to add FVs to every m3u iptv service,and when loading that specific Iptv m3u line we should see the selected favs for that iptv service.