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Playlist saving without group info

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:26 am
by Everton
I first loaded a list of custom ip from a .m3u file.
In this list the channels were grouped and some of them had a channel number.
Loading was ok. PrgDvb regularly showed all the channels inside their own group / folder.
But when I tried to save this list, I found that the group and channel number info was lost.
Looking inside the files, I see that there were some differences:

- The input list looked like this:
#EXTINF:1, tvg-id="EPG N/A" tvg-logo="Logo N/A" tvg-name="ARD" group-title="Group N/A",ARD

- The saved list looked like this:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="ARD" ,ARD

I don't bother much about logo or channel number info.
But the "group-title" tag would be very useful.

Is it there a way to save a list with this group tag?
If not, could you possibly add it?

Re: Playlist saving without group info

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:36 am
by Prog
Yes. ProgDVB save only base tags. Is it really important? I think not many users use export.

Re: Playlist saving without group info

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:01 am
by Everton
Prog wrote:Yes. ProgDVB save only base tags. Is it really important? I think not many users use export.
Managing a list without groups/folders is very very difficult.
If you save this tag you may have a complete backup of the list and load it again without losing your work.

Re: Playlist saving without group info

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:05 am
by Prog
Only for backup? You can backup ProgDVB\channels folder.

Re: Playlist saving without group info

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:38 pm
by Everton
I'd like to have a personal playlist of iptv channels, arranged by me. ProgDvb is very well suited for that.
Then I'd like to save it and use in 2 different computers (a home desktop and a notebook, often not at home), both using ProgDvb.
It's very easy to save it from one computer (in a shared net drive) and load it in the other.
As I use both computers, I'd like to be able to change my list in the two of them.
But when I load the list in the second computer the channels have no more groups, as the group tag is not saved.
So I must use only the first computer to make changes to the list.
I don't know if it takes a lot of time to add this feature (the group tag), but it would be very nice.
It would add a nice feature to this great program, with a complete backup/resume of a single list.
Thank you for your great job!