Search found 26 matches

Re: Bugs with new options menu

Here's a couple of screenshots of what it's doing with Menu on Right Side checkbox: The Modules options seems to be working fine now for me. I am unable to open the Controls page, it instantly crashes ProgDVB but it was doing this before the options menu was changed. I al...

Bugs with new options menu

Here are a couple of bugs I have encountered with the new menu, the Menu on Right Side checkbox is reversed, it's on the right side if unticked and on the left if ticked. You are also unable to open the individual options for the Modules, clicking the blue text does nothing. Lastly, when ProgDVB reo...

Re: Trying to set up MadVR

MadVR showing as installed on 7.35.9! One thing i have discovered is if you set ProgDVB to use GUI for OSD when using MadVR channels change aspect ratio automatically when needed but you can’t change manually. Whereas if you have it set to not use GUI you can manually change aspect ratio but it does...

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