Re: ProgDVB Module API for Delphi

What module you like do?
A simple module that shows All current channel info like Transponder info, video & audio info,....!A DLL project in Delphi 7.
2. Yes. But I am not test MD api very long time. Ask me if any problem with position.
I tested MDAPI in PROGDVB and it work correct but it has not SatPosition variable in Structure of TProgramm82 .

Do you know SatPosition variable to add to this Structure/record? is there any other Structure/record that has this variable ?

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 TProgramm82 = record
    Name:          array[00..29] of char;
    Anbieter:      array[00..29] of char;//Provider
    Land:          array[00..29] of char;//Network
    freq:          DWord;
    Typ:           byte;
    volt:          byte;
    afc:           byte;
    diseqc:        byte;
    srate:         DWord;
    qam:           byte;
    fec:           byte;
    norm:          byte;
    tp_id:         word;
    Video_pid:     word;
    Audio_pid:     word;
    TeleText_pid:  word;
    PMT_pid:       word;
    PCR_pid:       word;
    ECM_PID:       word;
    SID_pid:       word;
    AC3_pid:       word;
    TVType:        byte;
    ServiceTyp:    byte;
    CA_ID:         byte;
    Temp_Audio:    word;
    Filteranzahl:  word;
    Filters:       array[00..(MAX_PID_IDS - 1)] of TPIDFilters;
    CA_Anzahl:     word;
    CA_System82:   array[0..(MAX_CA_SYSTEMS - 1)] of TCA_System82;
    CA_Land:       array[0..5 - 1] of char;
    Merker:        byte;
    Link_TP:       word;
    Link_SID:      word;
    Dynamisch:     byte;
    Extern_Buffer: array[00..16 - 1] of char;