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Refresh channel if long time no traffic

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:44 am
by majster1988
i wonder if there is an option to change the time when Progdvb reconnects when no traffic. It works on iptv but after about 30+ sconds and I'd like it to be like few seconds. Is there any file I can edit to change this?

Re: Refresh channel if long time no traffic

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:02 am
by Prog
Delay depended from situation. Too short a delay will lead to false re-connection and it will be much worse.
I am impove this function time to time but short delay is not solution.

Re: Refresh channel if long time no traffic

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:19 am
by majster1988
I think it depends on the situation. In my case i can see the slider go to the end with no buffer left and just wait there 30+ sec. When i manualy select channel it just reconnected in 1 sec and i can watch again.
I'd love to see an option like "experimental only" to adjust this.
I've seen android apps reconnecting much faster and smoother but I want to use progdvb on windows since i use it with dvb s for a long time.