Incorect display Central European charset on EPG info

I am wondering if it is a way for display corectly Central European Charset in EPG info or maybe change the font used.
Seems the font what is used do not have central european charset.
Display issue is exemplified in attachment...
Sorry, i can not add atachments...
Some charset substitution is:
Ș - ª
ș - ț
ț - °
ă - ã
Only â - â and î - î appears corectly.

Re: Incorect display Central European charset on EPG info

I do that. Not work...
I make another try with ProgDVB standard (not the x64 version) and same result.
I even make switch with epg.dat from ttviewer and viceversa and same result...
Somehow apeears character substitution at character specific Central and Eastern Europe code set.
At the end is not a really big problem, ProgDVB works fine, with high image quality on SD channels and also on HD channels.
Thanks for disponibility to solve my problem!

Re: Incorect display Central European charset on EPG info

Yes, codepage to display corectly character set for Eastern Europe is 8859-2
ISO-8859-2 Latin alphabet part 2 Eastern Europe
8859-15 is different:
ISO-8859-15 Latin 9 (aka Latin 0) Similar to ISO 8859-1 (not with 8859-2) but replaces some less common symbols with the euro sign and some other missing characters
Folowing is the substitution that appear and character codes:
ISO 8859-2 Latin Alphabet 2 ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1
[ă] 227 a breve 227 atilde a tilde
[Ă] 195 A breve 195 Atilde A tilde
[ş] 186 s cedilla 186 ordm Masculine ordinal
[Ş] 170 S cedilla 170 ordf Feminine ordinal
[ţ] 254 t cedilla 254 thorn thorn
[Ţ] 222 T cedilla 222 THORN THORN
That is the problem! Characters from ISO 8859-2 codepage is displayed with characters from ISO 8859-1 codepage.
Only in EPG info. Subtitle work ok.