How to Stop Channel's Descrambling Process ?

Hi all;

altough I've been manipulating with MultiDec APIs for along time, the last week I've just completed implementing my first Operational MD-API based Plug-In .
I used pure C as a programming language and ProgDVB 4.9 Std as a Host application.

My Plug-In sends CWs to the host application ( ProgDVB ) which successfully descramble the channel , SO FAR SO GOOD !
But when my Plug-In stop sending the keys ( for example if the card is removed ) to the Host Application (ProgDVB) the CPU goes high < about 90~ 98% > and the Host Program hangs Up .
I've tried to send an empty buffer to stop the descrambling process but that did n't work out .
Any Suggestions to solve this problem will be appreciated .

Thanx in advance and BYE .

Hi Prog ;

Thanx for the reply .
well, that seems to be a bug in the previous Versions , hope you will fix it in the next versions.

well, to solve this problem a change channel event must occur, in other words < On_Channel_Change(struct TProgramm82 CurrentProgramm ) > function must be called .
so, is there in way to make a call to that function ?

another question Plz, ProgDVB seems not responding to < MDAPI_GET_PROGRAMM_NUMMER & MDAPI_SET_PROGRAMM_NUMMER > is that a bug too ?



ProgDVB not support all function from module API but On_Channel_Change must be called.


Hello Prog ;

Yes, I think all of the MD-APIs are important, maybe it seems with less importance to you as you are the Designer of ProgDVB, but for us ( the end user ) it's with great importance .
and the more compatible with MD-APIs ,the more flixable the Program become .

for example: if ProgDVB supports MDAPI_GET_PROGRAMM_NUMMER / MDAPI_SET_PROGRAMM_NUMMER, then I could use these function to make ( On_Channel_Change ) event occurs, and that's what I need to stop CSA Processing .

I've even tried to use MDAPI_CHANNELCHANGE which is defined as :
#define MDAPI_CHANNELCHANGE 0x01020090
but also did not work out .

at last, I think ProgDVB is one of the best DVB application that ever designed, and I hope you would consider updating the X1 engine based Versions ,They are much better than the X2 based Versions . ( do not wonder I hate .NET :D ) .

also I would like to draw your intention that ProgDVB is widely used and so much famous, so It would be nice if you Provided an SDK to your application SPECIALLY for the internal commands like +Volume , -Volume , Mute, Program No, Menu IDs ... etc .

Well, You have done an Excellent JOB and a Nice PROGRAM, So Keep It Good .

Thanx & BYE