Unble to make work dxva in my 20 years old computer.

Hi, i have installed progdvb from many years ago in my very old computer with two operatinh sytems Windows XP and Windows 7.

I never have problem in win7 XP,i can watch 1080p. But i unable to make work It under Windows 7

The specs are:

Pentium iv 3,4ghz northwood(socket 478). In a Asus p4c800-e Deluxe.
A pinacle 310i for TDT Channels
A skystar 2 for satélite
A his 4670 agp.
I selected under Windows 7 Microsoft codec and evr, cyberlinc, fdshow, arcosft,i have try every códec i read have dxva support. But nothing works It go more faster without dxva that with dxva. That is sloww or Freeze the image or made jumps in the image.

I think all these years that should be a problem of the amd driver as the 4670 agp was a rare card because its a pci express card with a Bridge chip to make It agp.( The last AGP ever made).

But to my suprise is i have installed dvbdream trial(of course i prefer progdvb) I selected evr and Microsoft codec.. And It works perfect. Around 9% CPU usage full 1080p in the pinacle or the skystar2

But i want make It work in progdvb in win7 as the northwood can't handle 1080p by itself. And the new versións of progdvb don't support win XP.

Any ideas?

Dvacheker tell the card support:

ATI RadeonHD 4600 series

VectorAdaptiveDevice_AMD: DXVA1/2, SD / HD / FHD / 4K / 8K
MotionAdaptiveDevice_AMD: DXVA1/2, SD / HD / FHD / 4K / 8K
AdaptiveDevice_AMD: DXVA1/2, SD / HD / FHD / 4K / 8K
BobDevice: DXVA1/2, SD / HD / FHD / 4K / 8K
ProgressiveDevice: DXVA1/2, SD / HD / FHD / 4K / 8K
SoftwareDevice: DXVA2, SD / HD / FHD / 4K / 8K

Api dxva1:
0: NV12
1: YUY2

OutputFormat: SameAsInput

NumPreviousOutputFrames: 0

NumForwardRefSamples: 0

NumBackwardRefSamples: 0

Unknown: Yes
BOBLineReplicate: -
BOBVerticalStretch: -
BOBVerticalStretch4Tap: -
MedianFiltering: -
EdgeFiltering: -
FieldAdaptive: -
PixelAdaptive: -
MotionVectorSteered: -

None: -
Brightness: Yes
Contrast: Yes
Hue: Yes
Saturation: Yes

None: -
StretchX: Yes
StretchY: Yes
AlphaBlend: No
SubRects: Yes
SubStreams: Yes
SubStreamsExtended: Yes
YUV2RGBExtended: Yes
AlphaBlendExtended: No

api dxva2:
0: NV12
1: YUY2

0: X8R8G8B8
1: SameAsInput

HardwareDevice: Yes
EmulatedDXVA1: No
SoftwareDevice: No

NumForwardRefSamples: 0

NumBackwardRefSamples: 0

Unknown: Yes
BOBLineReplicate: -
BOBVerticalStretch: -
BOBVerticalStretch4Tap: -
MedianFiltering: -
EdgeFiltering: -
FieldAdaptive: -
PixelAdaptive: -
MotionVectorSteered: -
InverseTelecine: -

None: -
Brightness: Yes
Contrast: Yes
Hue: Yes
Saturation: Yes

None: -
StretchX: Yes
StretchY: Yes
AlphaBlend: No
SubRects: Yes
SubStreams: Yes
SubStreamsExtended: Yes
YUV2RGBExtended: Yes
AlphaBlendExtended: No
Constriction: Yes
NoiseFilter: No
DetailFilter: No
PlanarAlpha: No
LinearScaling: No
GammaCompensated: No
MaintainsOriginalFieldData: No

Unsupported: Yes
Unknown: -
Median: -
Temporal: -
BlockNoise: -
MosquitoNoise: -

Unsupported: Yes
Unknown: -
Edge: -
Sharpening: -

Any idea of how to make It work?.
winxp,pctv 310i analog,fm,DVB-T,skystar HD2 + CI dvb-s2

Re: Unble to make work dxva in my 20 years old computer.

I made this test:
-Download last lav version from github
-put all with lav codecs
-Made a dxva2 log tracert with dxva2 cheker.
-Put progdvb in a very litte window to avoid the freeze of the cpu due to 100% cpu usage.
Lav codec:
Hardware aceletator to use:
DXVA2(copy back)
Active decoder:dxva2bc direct.
Active hardware acelerator Ati radeon HD 4600 series.


Progdvb.net send DXVA2 commands continusly.

Result:even in the litte windows video was so slowed and lost sound, process hacker shows progdvb.net eat around 80% cpu use. with a io of a few kb/s. cpu usage take 100% or near 100%

I open details of progdvb.net with the process hacker to analyze the cpu use:

1st place Around 40% of the progdvb.net time with a near of 3 millon of delta cylcles was used by "progdvbengine.dll!CPAPI_Dialogs_set+0x1a6a0"
2st place Around 25% cpu usage.1,5 millon of delta cycles "Progdvbengine.dll!stream_close+0x6f420"
3st place around 8% cpu usage and 0.5 millon of delta cycles is take by "evr.dll!MFiSFormatYUV+0x271"
from there The next process of progdvb take from 2% to low uses, nothig relevant i think.

gpu use was only 15%

So this setting don't work, i don't know why, but it don't work.
Next setting same with setting DXVA2 native(only changes):
Active decoder:dxva2n
progdvb.net usage around 30% time of the cpu, total cpu use around 40%(always in a litte window)

Result:In the lttle window video+sound appear works fluid.But it go to the slowdown mode in full screen or in a bigger window screen freezing the pc due to 100% cpu usage.(progdvb..net incresases exponencially her cpu usage when the screen size was more bigger.).

In this mode progdvb.net send always the same dxva command mode to the gpu.DXVA2_Processblt

In the litte window
1st 20 % cpu evr.dllMFIsFormatYUV+0x2101
2st 4,5% cpu usage progdvbengine.dll!stream_close 0x6f420
3st 2,68% msvcrt.dll!endthreadex+0x29

When i increase the window size i view evr increases cpu time, then at some time. progdvb slowdown and we return to the original podium of cpu use.

At finish the result it the same complete slowdonwn and dont't working.

I compared it with dvbdream with evr and same lava codecs.

evr only took 1% of cpu use :S. i view here 20% 40%..

With vrm9 is more or less the same 100% cpu usage.

1st progdvbengine+capi (45)
2st progdvbengine+streamclose(25)
3st quartz.dll(5)

in native mode are the same but the 2nd and 3nd are mscvrt.dll. 20%,20%,20%

It like progdvbengine.dll generate high cpu usage and generate high cpu usage in the render asociated.

In vrm7, 100% of cpu usage the diference is there lav don't activate dxva.

1st progdvbengine.dll+cpapi 40%
2st progdvbengine+streamclose 30%
3st progdvb.net 1,43%
winxp,pctv 310i analog,fm,DVB-T,skystar HD2 + CI dvb-s2