Updated to ProgDVB v7.41.7 today and noticed that the level of the volume was substantial lower than in earlier versions.
Reinstalled version 7.41.6 and volume level was normal again.
Is there a "default" setting for volumelevel that I can adjust in version 7.41.7 ?
Re: ProgDVB v7.41.7 volume level
#2Do you try change it? Many changes in configs. Possible lost old value of volume.
Re: ProgDVB v7.41.7 volume level
#3Also in v.7.41.7 Visualisations are still greyed out and have been from v.7.41.0
Re: ProgDVB v7.41.7 volume level
#6Hm. I am not can repeat problem with visualizations. Send me screenshot for demonstration.
ps: Check Audio processor in Options->Audio. Must enabled.
ps: Check Audio processor in Options->Audio. Must enabled.
Re: ProgDVB v7.41.7 volume level
#7I changed Audio renderer to "Prog Audio renderer" and now it works fine ( default for me was "System" ).