I am very satisfied of the latest version. Few topics below:
1. When in EPG mode right click to get the extended menu is not working, neither in table nor in list modes.
2. May I suggest the following functionality - after the click on the EPG text in channel info, to show the full description of the played program instead of the EPG screen.
Thank you,
Re: EPG on ProgTV 3.5.6
#21. Fixed. Please wait next version.
2. Do you really have many epg descriptions which are more than 3 lines?
2. Do you really have many epg descriptions which are more than 3 lines?
Re: EPG on ProgTV 3.5.6
#31. Thanks, working.
2. Sorry, I didn't realize there are 3 lines, it's fine.
2. Sorry, I didn't realize there are 3 lines, it's fine.