ProgDVB support

Dear Guys,
kindly need your support !! I need to connect a satellite receiver to the PC and display the channels on PROGDvB in order to use it's options like the record , so please if it possible, what is the best receiver model?
and if not, then satellite PCI card shall i buy ?
Thank you... :D

Re: ProgDVB support

But please, I need a good and stable one, because I'm already have Twinhan PCI card, but the problem is most of the channels are not working, and when I connect the same cable to any receiver device all the channels working fine, so I'm looking for a strong signal device.

Re: ProgDVB support

brother, thank you very much for your replies , I accessed tbs site and I understand nothing, kindly may you send me a link?
this would be the last question, because I really tried to search on Amazon but idk what is the exact keywords to search!!!
appreciate your support