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HDR with RTX

Not sure it will help many but I have just installed MPC-VR RTX HDR 1.2 and i now get HDR support, also I get a lot less crashing in ProgDVB.

Re: Feature Requests

I dont have any additional software for desktop, i have found that if i switch channel after opening progdvb i can then enter fullscreen on main monitor and then switch back to original channel allows me to enter fullscreen, not a major problem as i can do this to workaround issue

Re: Feature Requests

Thanks for looking into this, unfortunately after the last update I now cannot get full screen on either monitor, the fullscreen button or shortcut no longer works on the primary monitor

Re: Feature Requests

I mentioned some time ago that when i use ProgDVB on second monitor i am unable to double click mouse to enter fullscreen, i am not sure if this would be a feature request or a bug as i am able to double click the mouse on my primary display but not on second display.

Re: В ПрогДВБ 7.46.07 - 7.46.08 не вызывается полоска OSD путём кликания на видеоизображение.

Я тоже хотел бы одним щелчком мыши, чтобы принести информационную панель, я скучаю по ней, очень полезно.

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